Podcast Appearance
By Brian Gillette · October 10, 2024
Tribal Fireside Chat: Why Your Last Sales Hire Wasn't Successful
Tribal Fireside Chat: Why Your Last Sales Hire Wasn't Successful
Most MSPs have brought in a salesperson that didn't end up closing enough business. After 6-12 months of investment with little to no return, they realize that they have to call it quits. In this episode, we will break down the most common reasons why first sales reps are unsuccessful, and how to ensure your next sales hire is a winner.

Brian Gillette
Brian Gillette, the founder of Feel-Good MSP, stands out in the Channel with his unique, empathy-driven approach to sales and client relationships. Formerly a VP of Sales for an MSP, his expertise now shines as a consultant, where he transforms traditional sales tactics with a focus on understanding and meeting client needs. Renowned for his strategies in overcoming sales objections, Brian champions selling outcomes over technicalities, emphasizing value, trust, and the importance of peace of mind and productivity for clients. His dynamic, client-centered philosophy makes him an invaluable asset in the MSP landscape.