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By Sean Curiel · August 9, 2024

Three Unexpected Benefits of MSP Sales Training

I heard an amazing thing on a call today. During our weekly strategy sessions as part of the Feel-Good MSP Sales Accelerator training, our founder Brian Gillette was speaking with an excited MSP owner. The owner has been working to get his operation mature enough to where he would no longer be required to take technical calls from customers. He recently reached this milestone. Finally, he can take a vacation without having to deal with unexpected technical support calls. This has freed him up to focus further on the company's sales process and strategy. His next goal? To take a real vacation with no phone at all! That day too is coming. 

Of course, not every sales training in the world will transform a business. But a strategic MSP sales training focused on authenticity and empathy, can produce drastic improvements for a Managed Service Provider who is willing to embrace a change in mindset and process.

There are the many common benefits which one might expect from an MSP training that genuinely enhance their sales team’s performance;

  • A clearer focus on the right kind of customer 
  • A more confident, energized, and proficient sales team
  • Higher close rates 


But often there are additional benefits as well, often overlooked. They may not be what MSPs are typing into their search engine for overnight success, but their impact is real and directly affect an organization's ability to scale. 

Let’s consider a few surprising benefits of MSP sales training that you may never have even considered;

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Attracting Top Sales Talent who Dream Big

Ask yourself; Do winning salespeople find themselves gravitating towards businesses that are trapped in a cycle of "putting out the latest customer fire🔥" ? We’re seeing that a confident sales team, focused on building genuine relationships, doesn’t just close more deals - but also elevates the workplace culture. The result is often a positive, sales-driven shift that makes for an exciting work environment. In short, it will attract those top performers who can feel the momentum and want to get on board for something great.


An Organic Lead Generating Machine

It almost seems counterintuitive right? Many think of sales training as refining how they interact with customers and respond to objections. While important, MSPs often overlook how strategic sales coaching does in-fact organically generate new leads for the company. Imagine that your team is no longer product-forward selling, but has repositioned itself as a problem-solver in your market. One who can be spoken to honestly and directly. Reinforced by your marketing message, you’ve got an authentic differentiator that works on its own, not just through word of mouth but through online reviews, forums, social media, etc.

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Improved Revenue from Existing Clients

Sales training focused on authenticity helps build trust, and that's exactly what you want from a customer. You may find existing customers far more willing to engage your sales team. A healthier dialogue around upcoming needs and challenges, offers salespeople with new opportunities. Better use of analytics, sales management tools, and reporting gives the team a leg up on identifying needs and cross-selling opportunities. This all goes without even considering the fact that these improved relationships result in higher retention, impacting revenue.


BONUS: A Company-Wide Ripple Effect

As we see the sales team become a higher-functioning unit with better communication, there’s often a ripple effect that takes place within the company. Support teams benefit from a closer relationship with sales, leading to a smoother delivery of services. Marketing starts to receive more consistent and useful feedback from customers on their likes and dislikes - and this in turn improves campaign results. A boost in overall efficiency and morale brings departments into alignment, giving everyone a clear shot at hitting their goals.

When considering a new approach to the MSP sales process, it’s only natural that a business owner would want to see any training implemented thoroughly - to maximize investment and potential benefit. Considering these additional effects (among others), helps bring into focus that entering into a sales development program is a company-wide affair. An endeavor with the potential to positively impact every department within an organization. 


Reach Your Full Potential

Feel Good MSP’s Accelerator membership program enables Managed Service Providers to reach their full potential by putting a proven sales methodology into practice. Training modules, actionable mini-courses, LIVE group coaching, and more. Schedule your MSP Sales Assessment call now.

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