Feel-Good MSP
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By Brian Gillette · August 23, 2024

Unlocking the Modern MSP Buyer's Process

Businesses seeking out managed services often present us with buyers who follow a very typical (and predictable) buying process. Here ate Feel-Good MSP, we call it the Fake, Take, and Escape. What does this mean? 


They conceal important details like their budget, and keep you in the dark about the competition. If there is an urgency or timeline they may keep that to themselves as well. They hold their cards very close to their vest.


Next they start pumping you for information. They want to see your product pricing, case studies, references, you name it - they want it all. You’ve built up decades of experience, all to hand it over to them in 90 seconds.


“Thanks! You’ve given me everything I needed. Now I have no reason to engage with you.” - Your Sales Prospect

They may not say this, but it’s the truth. When you try to contact them, they might dodge you. It wouldn't be surprising. You haven’t held them accountable for anything. 

This is the modern buyer’s process that undermines our sales efforts. It’s not really their fault - it’s what they’ve been trained to do. If anything, it’s negative experiences with salespeople that have created this environment. It’s up to you to shift the dynamic and take a more open and collaborative approach.

How do we counteract this process?

You’ve probably heard the expression that “buyers are liars”. But consider this; They aren't liars because they hate you (at least not yet). They lie because whenever they show interest, they get pounced upon. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) tactics have conditioned buyers to react defensively. It’s ok - we can defuse this situation. We can remove the need for buyers to act so evasively. 


Imagine this scenario:

You have a huge plumbing problem. 
Your living room is flooding with water as we speak. 
You get on the phone, call around, hide the urgency of the situation, and start grilling potential fixers about their rates. 

But what would an expert do? 
What would you want to hear on the end of the line?
What would gives you the confidence to take action?

Generic plumber

An real pro would hammer out the details of your setup, tell you exactly what they need in order to proceed, and secure your commitment to getting the job done right.  That’s the kind of professional you’d want on your team. Your next MSP sales prospect wants just the same. By asking the right questions and employing the Feel-Good Close core principals, we can extract the information we need to solve their problem AND reclaim control of the conversation all at the same time. 

When we ask questions that help us curate a winning proposal, we guide the customer to a solution that provides exactly what they need - honestly and effectively. Remember, you’re the IT expert, and it’s your job to lead them to the best solution. 

Attribution: Generic plumber image from www.freepik.com


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